Integrating Acupuncture & Others (ʻĪao) is our concept for balancing your health
in a harmonious way. It is a team effort between patient and practitioner, and at
times with other health professionals that makes for a successful outcome.
Our logo resembles the yin & yang symbol, illustrating the continuous process of
natural change. This transformational symbol is a reminder that our health is always
in a state of motion, striving for balance. Here at ʻĪao Acupuncture & Spa, our
professional health care providers aim to assist you in coming full circle with your health
care needs by providing Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, massage, nutritional
recommendations and skin care. Let us help you to nourish, support and restore your
mind, body and spirit ultimately achieving harmony for an optimal well being.
Take charge of your health care needs at ʻĪao Acupuncture & Spa!
All of our services offered help to increase blood flow, reduce fat, increase nutritional exchange, expedite results from other therapies, increase cellular integrity, reduce toxins, accelerate natural healing, and enhance anti-aging appearances by promoting your well being all in their own special and unique way.
Oriental Medicine dates back over 5,000 years. It’s a complete system of
understanding how the body works in an optimal state and in diseased states.
It is a system that can effectively prevent and treat disease using the following modalities
of Oriental Medicine:
• Acupuncture
• Moxibustion
• Cupping
• Gua Sha
• Oriental Medicinal Herbs
• Tui Na Massage
• Qi Gong/ Tai Ji
• Dietary Recommendations
There are 14 major meridians, or channel pathways that provide a means of communication between the different organ systems. Through the variety of modalities of Oriental Medicine, a practitioner is able to manipulate these pathways to improve the functioning of the whole system. These tools are used to regulate, supplement or reduce systems that are out of balance. Using diagnostic tools such as pulse reading, tongue observation, and abdominal palpation, practitioners can discover
where in the body the disharmony is rooted.
Oriental medicine is based on a concept of vital energy, or Qi (also written Ki or Chi,
and pronounced “chee”). This Qi flows along channels or meridians throughout the body
and links all of the body’s parts and functions.
Qi nurtures and maintains our physical body as well as our mind. It keeps the blood circulating, warms the body and fights disease. When a person is healthy, Qi flows smoothly through the channels. If the flow of Qi is blocked, weak, or excessive, then symptoms and illness can occur. During acupuncture treatment, the flow of Qi is corrected by inserting needles or applying pressure to specific points along the channels. This redirects the Qi to flow correctly and restores balance to the entire system. Acupuncture may also be used preventively by correcting energy flow even before symptoms or disease appears.
Yes. The government requires Licensed Acupuncturists to follow very strict sterilization
procedures. In addition, pre-sterilized acupuncture needles are manufactured, packaged,
and shipped in sterilized containers to ensure compliance with the law.
The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies over 50 conditions
where Acupuncture has proven effective, such as:
• Ear, Nose & Throat Disorders: Earaches, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, toothaches
• Respiratory Disorders Allergies, Asthma, bronchitis, colds&flus, emphysema
• Gastrointestinal Disorders Colitis, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies, indigestion, nausea, ulcers
• Circulatory Disorders Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol. Hypertension
• Urogenital Disorders Cystitis, Neurogenic bladder, prostatic hypertrophy, prostatitis, stress incontinence
• Gynecological Disorders Endometriosis, infertility, menopausal syndrome, menstrual irregularity, PMS, induction of labor, malposition of fetus
• Musculoskeletal Disorders Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, TMJ, sciatica
• Psychoemotional & Neurological Disorders Anxiety, depression, dizziness, facial pain and spasm, headache, insomnia, intercostals neuralgia, knee pain, migraine, neck pain, post-stroke paralysis, post-operative pain, sciatica, sprain, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
• Oncology adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, including nausea & vomiting